Saturday, July 30, 2011

Welcoming Landon to our family

This week has been a tiring yet super rewarding and amazing week. It all started on Tuesday when Jenelle went to her doctors appointment. At this point she 3 days over her due date. The doctor accidentally broke Jenelle's water. Oops. :)  We were really excited! We knew we would get to see our little boy soon. We then headed to the hospital, stopping at subway on the way, and got there around 1 PM. We proceeded to labor and delivery where would would stay the night.

After 22 hours of labor, 3 of which were pushing, and 3 failed attempts with the vacuum, our little guys was just too big. The only option at this point was a cesarean section. Luckily for us, it wasn't an emergency, just unplanned.
A short time later, we were able to hear our baby crying!

Landon Howard Waite was born on July 27 2011 at 10:15 AM. He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 inches long.

He is such a cute little guy who loves to be held. He had dark blue eyes when he was born, but we will see if the stay blue. He makes really epic faces. And he looks like an old asian man.
Everyone is doing well. Landon is a little jaundiced, but is improving quickly. Jenelle regaining strength quickly. I am mostly caught up on sleep.  We will be returning to our home Sunday, where parenthood will really sink in. We are really excited for this new chapter in our lives.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Going Crazy at Week 39

I miss being a happy, cute preggy lady with a little bump.  Now I am a giant crazy cranky preggy lady that really really REALLY wants this baby out.  I seriously almost cried this morning because I wasn't at the hospital eating pancakes with our little baby being held by Tim instead of my stretched to the limit belly.  That's what I was hoping for last night.  For the last couple days I've been having stronger contractions but they just fizzle out :(

On Monday I had an appointment with my Dr.  She said she was happy I was still pregnant (she had been on vacation and told me I wasn't allowed to deliver until she got back)  and all I could do was give a half-hearted grunt of agreement.  Not a lot changed from last week, I'm just now somewhere around 2.5 and 3 cm.  The doc stripped my membranes.  That was super uncomfortable and I spent the rest of the day all crampy.  She said she had that done with both her babies and went into labor 2-3 days after, but I shouldn't be too sad if I have to come back again next week.  I'm pretty sure I'll cry.  It's been 3 days since then and still no baby.  Contractions increased, but nothing to send me to the hospital.  I keep getting my hopes up.  This little boy is a tease.

Happy thoughts...
1.  Swimming with a doughnut shaped tube at Pineview.  My family went camping there on Tuesday, and since my normal non-pregnant self doesn't like camping we just went up for the fun part:  Swimming and hot dogs over the campfire.  I wish I could swim everyday!  The middle of the tube was perfect for fitting my belly in so I could be in a prone position for the first time in months!  It was wonderful!
2.  Wearing a bikini at 39 Weeks :)  I'd totally post a pic to prove it, but I haven't figured that out yet and they are on my mom's camera.  Well, Tim did get a couple of me without my knowing, but I'm wearing a giant sombrero too... so... no.
3.  Tim telling me to tell my hypothalamus to tell my posterior pituitary gland to release oxytocin so we can get this baby out.  What a cute nerd.  I love him :)
4.  We've been keeping the little boy's name a secret, but we've recently leaked his initials to our families.  I love hearing their guesses.  Some of them are pretty good ideas.
5.  Baby's room is now missing only a baby!  I think I'll try to put up a pic now.
Oh hey it worked!  My awesome sis-in-law Darcie crocheted the animals on the shelves.  So cute!

The Belly and me in front of one of my fun little art projects.

I did the paintings, the curtains, and the pillow on the rocker.  Maternity has made me crafty!

And some more of my fun little paintings!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

38 Weeks!

I had my weekly appointment today and it looks like things are moving along nicely!  Little Mr. Waite has his head down against the cervix, which is soft, 70% effaced, and at 2 cm!  The last few days I have been having more contractions, cramping, and backaches, but nothing regular yet.  Looks like he'll be here soon enough.  I saw the NP today since my Dr. is out of town til this Sunday.  She said I can probably hold out til then, or walk a lot of stairs to speed it along :)