Monday, August 15, 2011

The Most Special Moments

     So...  I have been spending way too much time dwelling on how much c-sections suck.  I really need to take a minute to count my blessings and think about the really special, wonderful things that happened with Landon's birth.

  • The Monday night before Landon was born, I had a dream about my Grandpa Dapp.  He passed away when I was 9.  In this dream, I was driving and came to a stop light.  I looked over at the sidewalk and saw my grandpa smiling at me.  He pointed at my belly, and with a big grin said, "Wednesday."  That is all he said.  The light then turned green and I drove away.  The next morning I recalled this dream vividly, and thought it was probably important because I pretty much never dream about family that have passed on.   I told Tim about it, and we were really excited to see how things were looking at my Dr. appt later that day.  When my dr accidentally broke my water she said it'll probably be a long time and not to expect anything until about midnight...  meaning he would be born WEDNESDAY!!!  I just got the chills (the good kind, not creepy) when I realized that my grandpa was very likely right!  Later, midnight came and went and Landon was born on Wednesday morning!
  • So yeah, on the last post Tim wrote about how the brutally long labor ended in a c-section after the vacuum failed.  When Dr. Lister said that was what was going to happen, I felt panic like I never had before.  The contractions kept going and I didn't know what to do with them.  I started feeling a little delirious.  My family came into the room, and then my wonderful mother-in-law suggested I get a blessing.  I was so thankful that my husband and my dad were there, ready and able to give me a blessing.  I felt so peaceful.  I knew Landon and I would both be ok.  I have never felt such relief!
  • Another special moment related to that blessing...  Tim announced Landon's name in it.  We had been keeping it a secret for months, and we had planned on telling everyone once we had him in our arms.  I think it was more special this way, though.
  • The moment I first saw my baby.  While I was on the operating table I thankfully could not feel anything and Tim and I were just chatting, about what I have no idea.  I suddenly felt a lot of pressure and then I immediately heard one of the best sounds:  A strong cry.  During my clinicals as a respiratory therapy student I had the opportunity to go to tons of c-sections, so I knew what a good first cry should sound like and he was the best I ever heard!  Soon after, my doctor lifted him up over the barrier.  He was crying, his eyes shut tightly.  I said, "Hi Landon!"  and he went silent, opened his eyes, and looked straight at me.  He knew me!  I just started bawling!
These are the moments I want to remember forever!

My name is Landon.  Hear me ROAR!!!

First family photo where I look put together!  1 1/2 weeks old.

This is what new parenthood really looks like :)